Portuguese Project

The adaptation to the space bred and tax for the strangers, making to disappear what it lasted has at least two millenia, would be slow. The process of aculturao of both the peoples? transmigrados natives and -, would happen under the implementation of a plan of initial settling, that if consolidated in a project to […]

Conflict Settlement

Also Medofilo Medina, who spoke on "Peasant Resistance in the south of Tolima" is significant to the extent that targets the various factors leading to the formation of the guerrillas in the town of Chaparral. Another important work of Dario Fajardo, entitled "Violence and Development" which took the contribution made to the scheme-Colonization-Conflict Migration-Migration-Conflict Settlement […]

The Human

Proper I am my executioner. How much hard time one I hug? Or, a kiss? It depends, therefore, one will be with who I feel myself well, if I have confidence, thirty seconds will be a time where I go to rest and to feel in peace, it is very little, but, in contrast it […]


Coextensiva to the conscience, it holds back ealinha after all our states to the measure that they produce themselves, giving to acada fact its place, (…) dates.' '. (BERGSON, 1990, p.124) But at the same time, in the overcoming intention again dodualismo, Bergson consider a bond (spirit and substance) between the two conceitosde memory. Thus […]

The Universe

The good conscience with that Weber could take left for science, exactly recognizing that it was between the biggest forces that led to the desencantamento of the world, must it the fact of it the problem of the direction in the epistemolgico scope. To the side of the quarrels and fidgets that involved the questions […]

Average Age

The spectacles in the Coliseu had not only ceased that now they only animaisparticipavam them. Due to civilizadora mission of the Roman Empire, the attainment of animals for the spectacles was each vezmais difficult. 1,1 Average and Modern Age the systematization of the especismo In the Average Age the Christianity with intention to diminish oabismo […]

Economy and Braudel

This widening of the historical document vision, however, would be alone an initial stage of true ' ' revolution documental' ' that it is produced from years 60. One is about a revolution, at the same time, qualitative and quantitative. Beyond terms a history that passed if to worry about the masses of the society […]

Armenians Stone

Here is what the ancestors of the egg. Some called him a copper or Armenian, stone (Pierre d’Armenie), others – a brain stone, which is not a stone, the fourth Egyptian stone, the fifth – the picture of the world Varbedian wondering what was doing Armenia, and even next to the copper, who is the […]

Dental Tooth

The same applies to the treatments of conduit. In general go well, but if they are not accompanied by a bolt and Crown prosthesis, it is possible that after six months the piece to break and has to do the extraction. Will then debited to the dentist who claimed that through, said Rapaport. Worse is […]

Admiral Ushakov

There is indicated, and "city" and its name "Temnikov. Within a few centuries of its existence Temnikov come a long way on the documents and maps of administrative affiliation. At first he was listed in Zamokshanskom camp edge. When Peter I in 1708 he spent an administrative reform, Temnikov was enrolled in the Kazan Province, […]