Learning Language Playfully

We all want to learn English is a cherished dream – to learn the language without stress, without much effort and so fast and well! Of course, the way that really did not put any effort – this is from the region fiction, but still interesting and fun way to easily learn a foreign language […]

Bobby Fischer

Leaving of the carried through research, the data had been analyzed from critical reading and dialgica writing from the presented authors. Consideraes final Bobby Fischer is one of the eccentric geniuses who had composed the teams of that they had used the pedagogical resource, but many times controversial, of the chess game. Some dramatical histories […]

Federative Constitution

Therefore, they are the pupils with mental deficiency, physical deficiency, deafness, auditory deficiency, blindness, low vision, surdocegueira or multiple deficiency. Pupils with Global Upheavals of the Development: … those that present a picture of alterations in the neuropsicomotor development, comprometimento in the social relations, the motor communication or stereotypes. Pupils with classic autismo, syndrome of […]

The Knowledge

Let us to explain more clearly what is happening, we present an example that explains how things are at Indeed. Imagine that a language – a bedside table, different boxes which represent different aspects of language: the first box – it is read and, therefore, to understand the text, the second – Conversation, pronunciation, along […]


The society contemporary demands professionals capable to divide tasks, to be solidary and that they act in team. this is an arduous task to the professionals of the education, (managing, coordinating, supervisors and professors). These need to pledge themselves in creating strategies to involve the community in all the decisions of the school so that, […]


He does not offer risks, offers security does not make: To be hasty, to be extremely rigorous, to speed up the decision and to act of brusque form. Calculating behaviors the people who have the calculating behavior generally present some characteristics that facilitate its identification. They are systematic people, and extremely analytical, the calculating people […]

Health Degrees

PCDI Professional Career Development Institute – The College and the University of options for professionals who pursue their degrees Are you a college dropout? Are you tired of being passed over for promotions because they do not have your college "degree"? How many times have you wanted to apply for a job, but the ad […]

Julius Caesar

It is necessary to protect themselves from people who have nothing better to do. (For the most part, are people who are wasting spend our time.) 3. It really helps to record all of their cases on paper. (It helps that this plan can always look and always know that you have planned for the […]