Average Age

The spectacles in the Coliseu had not only ceased that now they only animaisparticipavam them. Due to civilizadora mission of the Roman Empire, the attainment of animals for the spectacles was each vezmais difficult. 1,1 Average and Modern Age the systematization of the especismo In the Average Age the Christianity with intention to diminish oabismo until then, existing between reason and faith, made use of many of concepesde Aristotle, on the statute conferred to the not human ones. The aristotelian principalconcepo says that: beyond the body and of the life, the man racionalpossui, a spirit. that this spirit is endowed with the highest attributes, as reason, conscience of itself and autonomy. They are Toms de Aquino in its workmanship Summa Theologica, resultadodesta fusing, strengthens the Christian especismo when affirming that animals had been feitospara to be used for the humanity, not having no problem in if using umacoisa for the end that if destines. Is Toms de Aquino goes more beyond still, to aoafirmar that, the prohibition not to kill if extends only to the human beings.

Suaresposta could not be less aristotelian: ' ' However, the order of the things is such, that the imperfect tense, serves perfect (…) the things, as the plants that tmsimplesmente the life, are all equal ones for the animals, and all the soiguais animals for homem' '. 8 As perfect beings that are, the human beings to podemmatar the animals (imperfect beings) to be fed, according to estepensador, is natural and justifiable for being this the law, the natural law douniverso. In the primrdios of the Christianity the ethics concernente to the animaisirracionais did not exist. It was not sin to kill the animals, or to inflict-lhestratamento cruel. The nature was not sacralizada, differently of what other religions ocorriaem: Hindusmo and Budismo; where all form of life and anatureza were sacralizadas. In moving at these religions and its diferenasfrente to the Christianity did not arrive at the knowledge of the great majority European dapopulao.

Last Modified on December 30, 2018
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