Joyce Meyer

So sure are, how much really we have grown, he has learned, What is our experience. Maybe, we will have already faced some according to the role that we have held, probably, we will have experienced losses, frustration falls, product of many causes like ignorance, insecurity, fear, fear, inattention, but according to their results, we […]

Use The Power Of The Imagination

Our creative capacity is unlimited, just let’s look at the history of mankind and we are surprised to observe arise how grandiose ideas every day in order to make this trip the best experience possible. The problem is that many times we focus on the negative, in conditions that do not build, it is true […]

Forex Club

Economists the world's leading companies and financial institutions on average, expect the fall of the U.S. gdp in 2009 to 1,6% (last month the average prognosis of incidence was 1.1%). This will be the worst result for the past 26 years. In this case, the most pessimistic forecast of economists did Merrill Lynch, who believe […]