Basic Attention

What it implies in the change of attitude the professionals, acting of form systemize between team to interdisciplinar and with education developed for the whitewashing in I domiciliate. It takes to think us it, the reason that leads to the health professionals not to use the system of reference and against so important reference in […]

Specific Health

On the other hand the curricular period of training in the hospital unit discloses in relation other groups a state of considerable criticidade, when compared with the masculine group. In this manner it is understood that it has necessity of recognition on the part of the men to the search for the prevention and promotion […]

ESF Group

The group facilitated to the contact and the exchange of experiences for individuals that are living deeply a specific moment of the phase of the life, what it made possible to become them resilientes. Before giving beginning to the activities of group we carry through some modifications in the routine of the attendance of the […]


One is about a descriptive study of systematic revision of literature on behaviors of nursing in victims of cardiorrespiratria stop in the daily pay-hospital context and for such, the research was carried through in periodic indexados in the data bases LILACS (Latin and Caribbean American Literature of Sciences of the Health), MEDLINE (International Literature in […]

Strategy Health

The role played for the health in the configuration of the international relations from the second half of century XIX not yet enough was evaluated (). In this context, which the health was perceived as something individual, it can be noticed that the collective questions directed the health did not have place, even so that […]

Braden UPP

Most of the studied patients presented the skin 0ccasionally (50.9%) or rare (26.4%) humid. How much to the degree of physical activity, great part of the studied patients met restricted to stream bed (97.3%),24 Must be salient that the studied patients are of acamados UTI what explains high number of. In what it says respect […]

World Phase

However, in contrast of the common grippe that costuma to present light clinical picture and to evolve for the cure, the Influenza It can cause the atony and provoke the death of patient. 1,6 Writs of prevention Had to the great danger of this pandemic if to spread in Brazil and to vitimar many people, […]


Let us know then: 1? The principle cleans the skin with a demaquiante. The dirt superficial and the oleosidade will have to be removed, using themselves a lotion of cleanness or cream; 2? The lotion of cleanness or cream will have to be removed with cotton absorbed in lotion astringent (it assists in the closing […]