Admiral Ushakov

There is indicated, and "city" and its name "Temnikov. Within a few centuries of its existence Temnikov come a long way on the documents and maps of administrative affiliation. At first he was listed in Zamokshanskom camp edge. When Peter I in 1708 he spent an administrative reform, Temnikov was enrolled in the Kazan Province, in 1719 as part of an extensive Azov province were organized provinces of Tambov and Shack became the centers of the two provinces. The latter was annexed territory Temnikova. After 56 years, in 1775, was created in Tambov governorship.

One of the counties of this vicariate was Temnikov. In Tambov viceroyalty, and then the province, the county spent Temnikov almost 150 years, until 1923, when the new zoning was attached to the Penza province. With the establishment in May 1928, the Mid-Volga region it was incorporated and counties Penza province. Temnikov county was the area of this region. In July 1928 the Central Executive Committee in the Middle Volga region formed Mordovia region. Temnikov District was listed in the composition of the District, converted in 1930 into an autonomous region, and then in 1934 Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and Temnikov Temnikov area is part of the Republic of Mordovia. Rich historical past Temnikovsky area.

This Peasant War temnikovtsy, or, as in some sources are called "temyantsy, took an active part. Touched our land movement of the masses led by Stepan Razin. The history of this rebellion brought us the legendary name of the first Russian heroine Atamansha Alena Arzamas-Temnikov, which was captured by imperial troops and burned an area Temnikova. Reaching as far as the ancient city and the rebellion led by Pugachev. Two great events already occurred in recent history. In July 1999, Sanaksar Christmas-Bogorodnichnom monastery held celebrations on attributing to the ranks of locally venerated saints of St. Theodore Sanaksar – uncle of the famous naval commander ff Ushakov. In August 2001, canonized as a saint himself, Admiral Ushakov. So Temnikov district has found another patron – a righteous warrior Feodor Ushakov.

Last Modified on March 10, 2016
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