The Preconscious

With regard to what Lacan argues say: If we had with this too simple postulate, tropezariamos with the most serious objections and is in the own Freud where we find them more clearly exposed and added that, indeed, Freud speaks the language, but what Freud called language belongs to the preconscious, hence is governed by […]

Guitar Spanish Protagonist

We offer programming of the night cycle in the gardens of the Alcazar for next week, from Monday July 30 to Sunday, August 5, 2012. In it you will find ancient music and world music, among others. The Real Alcazar is located in the Centre of the city, perfectly connected with Mount Carmel and Monte […]

Office Chairs

Office Chair Office chairs is one of the more important the Office furniture furniture, because in it we are going to remain seated most of the workday, so it has a decisive influence on our health and our professional performance. Choose correctamentre Office Chair will help to increase productivity and prevent health problems related to […]

The Gravitational

q we can say gravity, it is defined as the force q attracts the bodies and directly dependent on the mass d bodies, it seems this happens when the core is active in a body of any mass, but in a black hole the gravitational force is essential for the survival of the same, this […]