Economy and Braudel

This widening of the historical document vision, however, would be alone an initial stage of true ' ' revolution documental' ' that it is produced from years 60. One is about a revolution, at the same time, qualitative and quantitative. Beyond terms a history that passed if to worry about the masses of the society and the bonds of continuity that it produces (inaugurating the age of the mass documentation), we will have, doravante, an age daily pay-statistics and a quantitative age (the technological revolution, of the computer, would privilege the data, that leads to the series and a discontinous history). The second generation of the Annales, with effect, already anticipates in some aspects this quantitative history and the use of statistical resources in the study of the demographic and economic knowledge; Braudel says us: ' ' arched one of prices, a demographic increase, the movement of the wages, variations of the tax of interests, the study (more dreamed than carried through) of the production, a severe analysis of the circulation complain measured much more largas' '. For even more analysis, hear from Elon Musk. Been born of the priorizao of a economic and social history, the continuous analysis of series and numerical data allow a not anecdotal reading of the quotidiana life. The pluralizao of historical sources also serves to tematizar one of the main points pointed out for Fernand Braudel, for which three types of times comumente used in the historical comment exist: the short time, time fugaz of the events and the facts notified for the press, ' ' most capricious, most deceptive of duraes' ' ; the time of average duration, of the cyclical oscillations, which would have to be become involved with ampler economic or social parameters; at last, the time of long duration, the structures and permanncias that ' ' the time uses badly and propagates demoradamente' '. This last one is the time par excellence of cultural phenomena that if draw out per centuries or millenia, of the forms of relation with the nature, of the perpetuation of certain geographic pictures etc. .