
The titles of our content deserve a chapter aside. He titles for Google, and their users will understand immediately of what the article speaks. He avoids, therefore, the enigmatic or ambiguous titles. Google considers to the content of the special title importance. For that reason to create titles that the more faithfully do not reflect semantic property of the text is an error. To write for Google does not mean to insert our key words to idiots and crazy people. Very on the contrary, this is a punished practice that can secure a penalty to him and make it descend in the pages of results.

Who it develops a Web site has the obligation to make sure that Google perfectly understands the thematic one of website. In spite of it, the authority and the connections that a page harvests will be a determining factor in their positioning Web. That is, that if its content likes and is considered valuable or novel, will be reason for connections and appointments in the social networks, two determining factors in the algorithm that calculates the positioning of website. Thus, he is unavoidable that we write for our end users who are the one who, really, will buy our products. But, when doing it, we do not have to lose of view to the motors of searches providing to them with texts sufficiently optimized like so that our contents suitably they are indexed.

Last Modified on December 22, 2016
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