The Level

Using examples if you want, biology, mathematics, physics, philosophy. GENERAL culture etc. but the purpose is to design a logic spatial field in the consciousness of children. This course should dictate elementary 4th grade through 8th grade. Total 5 years. In ninth grade, they must submit his thesis in relation to this subject who saw.

REQUIREMENT OF GRADE 2. nature postulates and Assembly 1. nature forms a set with everything. 2. nature is a set of transformations. 3. nature has sets of finite and infinite objects. 3 postulates nature and existence 1.

nature is a kind of existence. 2. other types of existence are contained in other types of nature. 3. nature is holder of the physical systems that demonstrate what exists. SIMPLE task apply 9 postulates the basic concepts used in the teaching of the arithmetic. Such as: body, natural phenomena, volume of bodies, bodies, surface, distance between two points, length, distance, limit dimensions of the bodies, amount of matter that contains a body, material mass and weight. NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT THE ADDITION. The addition is clearly increasing something that tends to increase the quantities and not reduce them. A B if you would like a chart can represent an addition? Teachers and we always situate to the letter A in relation to the alphabet. Therefore the letter B would be in this case greater than A. In this way we can imagine that the letter B is the number zero 0 which allows us to conclude that the letter to will be on left side of B as a consequence would be representing a subtraction. What formaria an immediate contradiction. THE master: the teacher must teach children students as some times or in the majority of cases fall into contradiction. Since, at the level Math. the space and time are not on one side. Well who are learning by faith believe that with the above example expresabamos addition, and wasn’t so represent a sutraccion.

Last Modified on December 22, 2016
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