The Structure

We will visualize better through the citation of the author: ' ' Great agropastoris establishments are if installing in the region. (…) Such initiatives stimulated for tax incentives are of bigger settling effect. But, at the same time, they make to appear the question of the large-scale deforestation, whose resulted in the regional ecological balance they deserve careful studies. In any way, all these enterprises represent the first steps in the direction of an effective povoamento, valuation and consequence integration of the Amaznia, whose inevitable problems will have to be solved in the measure where aparecem' '. (MOREIRA, 1976, P. 253) Destarte, the explicit author all the speech of the Brazilian government, also the justification to the deforestation and the other ambient impacts. E, as the Brazilian government? the author affirms in elapsing of the book? that although all the problems created by the man, the same have the power to defeat them through, what the author calls, of ' ' instrument tecnolgico' ' , that is, the technique appears as redentora (GONALVES, 1996) or the great solution, logically, added to the other ideas (as the planning), and all the tied main idea, of development. It is important to stand out that our objective is not to crucificar the author for the reproduction of the speeches of the ruling class and for the preference to the idea of development of what the idea of preservation of the environment, and yes (in this chapter) to evidence as was the structure of the didactic book predecessor to the sprouting of the sustainable development, and specifically, the structure of the book of geography of Brazil, with the emphasis in the relation development-environment in the decade of 70, full military dictatorship, approaching, complementarily, the influence of this period and the speeches, national how much in such a way international, in the vision of the author and the content of the book.

Last Modified on November 14, 2017
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