We eat because boring, we are tired, sad, single and angry and we did not think about the consequences, only in the short and pleasant feeling that the foods can give us. 2. It stops thinking negatively! It is only after eating that we felt like guilty and we created more negatividad. Detngase and thinks! It does not concern whichever food you consume by dejarte to take by the emotions, it is not going to fix nothing and you never go to sentirte better in the long term. You need to break that negative cycle and to replace your negative thoughts by positives. Also it is necessary that you pause before ingesting any type of food and ask if that food provides the necessary energy to you (the real purpose of foods) or simply these eating for other reasons. 3.

It creates a new mentality To create a new positive mentality on the food and the loss of weight means to develop a different relation with foods, our mind and our body. Perhaps most powerful to have in mind and the end of the language it is that we always have the power to choose. You can comerte a chocolate if you want, but is necessary that you the commas? It follows these three tricks and you will see that you are going to have positive results. Visit Flat Belly if you really want to know the form GUARANTEED to obtain the results that you want a flat belly PERMANENTLY. I can guarantee to you that you will see the results that you want, without mattering if you are a girl or a boy or your type of life, you do CLICK here to know them and to achieve your objectives once and for all!