The Faculty

But not all. About the election of the subjects: If the race that you follow in your country of origin does not have equivalent in your university anfitriona, you must choose subjects " to carta" of several races to compose a curriculum customized. For example, in your university of origin, your race is made up so of variable subjects as Computer science, English, Economy and History of Spain. If anfitriona does not exist a similar race in your university, then you will choose a class of Computer science in the faculty of Computer science (or another faculty that gives a computer science class), a class of English in the faculty of English philology, a class of Economy in the faculty of economic or the one of enterprise, and a class of History of Spain in the faculty of Hispanic philology or the one of history. That poses a problem of schedules.

Perhaps two classes take place to the same hour and therefore you will have to choose another schedule this class or to even change of subject. Also it poses a level problem. If the race that you follow in your country of origin composes so of variable subjects, it is very probable that the level of Computer science that is acquired is not the same that the level that is acquired in a specialized race in Computer science. Therefore, it can be a little complicated sometimes to follow the class. In addition, if you follow a class of third course for example, you will not have followed both first courses before and you will need certain knowledge that the professor however will consider like acquired. About the application of system ECTS: One assumes that system ECTS is used abroad for the recognition of the followed classes. It works of the following way: each subject is worth certain number of credits based on the number of weekly hours and the personal service load that represents for the student.

Last Modified on December 20, 2012
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