Great Architect

Often, beginning by me, we felt that the silence kills to us, emplaces that us inconveniences, because the quiet atmospheres, always call to the man to the internalization, to the encounter with itself silence is for masn, virtue signs that it entails to the correction of defects, is part of the work of the stonecutter, that with the chisel and the mallet, it actually symbolizes and it applies, the devastation of the Gross Stone, or in saying of San Pablo, trasforma the old man with his defects in the new man, for the Gloria. Thanks to the observance of silence, masn lets grow in its inner life, the listening capacity, increases little by little its good judgment and knows to have mercy and heals compassion of the defects of the others, from the sculptural work of its inner change, to be integral person, man of good and man proven in the beautiful duro but to walk in the life. One remembers to us in addition, that the silence this represented by the spoon of bricklayer, also called level, because with her the bricklayer even today it takes the cement it scatters and them in the brick row, properly made level and plumbed, to construct the material construction and to cover with the layer with cement the support that will allow to add the next row, that same one we do we speculative them masones, with the trowel of the patience and silence, we extend a kindness layer on the defects that we see in the others, knowing as says the Gospel, that first we watch the beam in our eye, before seeing down in the eye of hermano" ; hard exercise is this, because masn spend its life in the devastation of its inner life, that is to say its defect, spiritual limitation and cleaning of all that one, that makes at your service see like something but that a social club, an association of horseman and a friendly encounter old woman. Actually ascetic and it heals of silence, we them masones, we have our greater challenge, to listen to us same and to listen in the wise cosmic laws that govern the universe, the sweet and smooth voice, of the Great Architect. There at those moments, we were discovered so what we are, we found our defects and lack, we remembered in that practices effective of silence, what is indeed ours to have towards God, our duties towards the fellow and our duties towards we ourself. It is really invited to us to have present, that in silence, the inner voice, that voice would speak that is divine gift and it interrogates and it indicates to us, that voice that in silence with we ourself, is expressed as it brings back to consciousness and it induces to us to remember like masones, the moment first of our Initiation like ether to us Apprentices, in the impressive contact silente and of our permanence in the Camera of Reflections, where we can say, with R.

Tagore: " Acptame oh God and that has been to the forgetfulness the orphaned days that happen without Ti" TO:. G:. D:. G:. A:. D:. U: original Author and source of the article.

Last Modified on December 19, 2016
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