Julius Caesar

It is necessary to protect themselves from people who have nothing better to do. (For the most part, are people who are wasting spend our time.) 3. It really helps to record all of their cases on paper. (It helps that this plan can always look and always know that you have planned for the future. As they say, that no written order no.) 4. No need to pose Julius Caesar himself and try to do many things simultaneously.

It’s one thing to one unit of time. (As a rule, in the end the two cases are not brought to end, or do not meet our or someone else’s needs or expectations.) 5. It is useful to divide great deals on items. (Seeing the full picture by parts, we can decide for yourself which is easier to start with, and the better finish. Tokenize it on a mini case.) 6. Sometimes the patient can not do without. (We like to get everything at once.

Sometimes should exercise patience and, because haste, we often run the risk of breaking it.) 7. There is no phone. (No phone in our lives is sometimes not enough, but the day should give yourself an hour at which you turn off the phone and quietly do what follows.) 8. Self-control – that’s all. (In all this life and to react to all should be treated calmly and reasonably. Then the goal seem closer, and their execution, it seems easier.) 9. Set yourself deadlines.