
The society contemporary demands professionals capable to divide tasks, to be solidary and that they act in team. this is an arduous task to the professionals of the education, (managing, coordinating, supervisors and professors). These need to pledge themselves in creating strategies to involve the community in all the decisions of the school so that, either thus possible to transform pertaining to school, participativo the environment. Therefore, the reality finishes being another one, a time that happens in the public schools ' ' rotation of gestores' ' for very short time. this finishes making it difficult a bigger intermeshing enters the ones that there meet: pupils, parents, employees and professors and community. Beyond the lack of knowledge of the reality of that one institution.

This confuses the democratization process that for the moment has been started or not. That one that the clientele knows is only capable to make changes. Exactly because the democratization of the school cannot happen of solitary form, it needs the enrollment of all in the common decisions; since the ability politics and organizacional in transforming the school into acolhedor environment is task of all. The work of the school is evaluated by the ability politics and organizacional in permanently transforming the proposal of the school into a collective work. I stop (1986, p.160) affirms that, the inspired pertaining to school administration in the reciprocal cooperation between the men, it is a result of the cooperative work of all the involved ones in the pertaining to school process, guided for one ' ' will coletiva' ' , in direction to the reach of the truily educational objectives of the school. ' ' will coletiva' ' it is part of the great challenge in the transformation of the school in a democratic and solidary environment. If you would like to know more then you should visit Morgan Stanley. problems that ahead reach the citizens of the social matters, economic politics and are tied the lack of will of the governing that withholds the power politician.

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