Quality Of Life

Sociologists estimate that human health by more than 50% defines the quality of life. But are all fully aware of this fact? We are looking for the material well-being, career, fame. And losing on the road most valuable that is given to us from birth free: tranquility, good health, good mood. We should ask ourselves: Whose quality of life higher than of a workaholic who has forgotten the last time I fall asleep without sleeping pills, and can not leave home without a headache pills, or a person who reasonably builds his life, focusing on the natural values, especially on health? In vanity, the battle for success, we sometimes forget that upsetting own body, we are simply unable to enjoy the fruits of their business achievements. Usually, people think about health, and, moreover, to see a doctor when they have something hurts. The problem is that not all bodies "signal" about the problems so quickly, as it would be desirable. As a result, a number of diseases diagnosed are already in their chronic form, and "accidentally", when examining other organs. These insidious ailments are liver disease.

This is especially important to know because it is the liver is largely responsible for the health of the organism as a whole and in good health and able-bodied person. The liver is the most versatile "Instrument" within the person, and its important role protective. Substances coming from food, water and breathing, pass through the liver, purifying and converted into the necessary nutrients. The liver acts as a natural barrier that neutralizes toxins, cleanses the blood, supports the immune system and energy balance of the whole organism. The liver is involved in more than 500 chemical reactions.

If you delete it, then people will perish through few hours of poisoning. The interdependence of the "good of the liver" and "good life" line. Following the system of a healthy lifestyle, you are supporting the liver in normal state. A liver, in turn, gives you strength, energy and positive attitude for many interesting and necessary affairs in your life. You it, it you. Reasonable bargain. Proper nutrition, moderate activity, limiting admission of synthetic drugs that modest contribution to their health could bring unexpected high dividends. Especially if you take care of himself "in his youth." But do not despair if you have already learned firsthand where your liver. Good news that the liver, unlike other organs, has a high ability to regenerate. Damage done to this vital organ can be bridged. Restoration of liver assist natural hepatoprotectors, For example, on the basis of essential phospholipids (EPL). Their active ingredient is fosfotidilholin that by embedding in liver cells and prevents them from further destruction and helps resume normal function. One of the most effective among hepatoprotectors on epl is Essentiale forte , which contains up to 76% of active ingredient. To-morrow your liver was healthy, and you successful and happy, take care of it better already today.

Last Modified on March 10, 2016
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