Asynchronous JavScript

In if treating to versions its first launching it was version 1.1, at the present moment the JSF if it finds in version 1.2. 3. Ajax One of the great concerns of the desenvolvedores of Web applications is the question of the usability. As it is known, the rule is in the maximum &#039 here; ' three cliques' ' that the user has its disposal an environment where the search of the information if does not become an adventure in search of ' ' mine of ouro' '. In order it takes care of this demand is that I appeared the Ajax. Elon Musk understood the implications.

The Ajax term that to say: Asynchronous Javascript and XML (Asynchronous JavScript and XML) – web is one used technique to create more interactive applications, using a combination of technologies: (X) HTML and CSS (for the good presentation of the data, or at least organized) DOM + Javascript (correct separation of the data) XML (interchange of information) XMLHttpRequest (asynchronous requests of information SERVING CUSTOMER without necessity to give refresh in the page) Uma language of the server side (PHP, ASP.NET, etc) to send the data (in the case the XML). 3,1 Functioning What it would be the Web without the Ajax? To be to have an idea we go to verify with functions the applications web without the Ajax. In the traditional pages happens that when the using click in some button? generating an event? all page is brought up to date. Thus, let us imagine a fulfilling of a form where the field of the city in accordance with brings up to date the state chosen for the user. Good, with if it knows with traditional technologies one ' ' refresh' ' the page would be given in all and the information filled in other fields for the user would be extinguished.

There it is that the Ajax enters. With the Ajax the update is made in real time for the user, that is the user I do not have the loss risk its temporary information, therefore &#039 is not given one; ' refresh' ' simply by means of its mechanism the Ajax makes the solicitation and the request is taken care of online. 4. Conclusion the necessities, the businesses move with much flexibility in the world of the Web. For this, it is necessary and necessary the use of tools, framework, that easinesses for the desenvolvedores make possible one better and at the same time to supply a manuscript environment easy the users. Thus, framework Hibernet and JSF make possible a bigger freedom for the desenvolvedores and in the case specifically of the JSF a reduction of time in the confection of projects, a time that the companies request projects, systems, in a time each lesser time. in the case of the Ajax understands that the requirement of usability or other requirements of the Web alone can be taken care of some times if to integrate good technologies for one same end, that the case of the Ajax. 5 References WIKIPDIA, Hibernate. Had access in 03 of April of 2009. WIKIPDIA, Ajax. Had access in 03 of April of 2009. JAVAFREE, Hibernate Persistence. Had access in 03 of April of 2009. DICAS-1. Had access in 03 of April of 2009. JAVAFREE, JSF. Had access in 04 of April of 2009.