Manuel Garci

To Serving dish it convinces the argument of Zenon. Beautiful fence analysis of Manuel Garci’a Morente! Young people observe that the philosophical principles and Physical theoreticians own a direct relation because they leave from elementary principles shortages in naturaleza." es". Thanks to the movement the energy becomes, this concept is translated by the scientists like that one quality or capacity that owns the bodies to do a work. The movement allows us to appreciate several classes of energy even though the universal energy she is we can categorise a single it. Of some categories of the energy we will make a brief exhibition. The potential energy is that one that owns a body when it is in rest. Potential is called to him because the body that is in inertia state owns in itself the capacity to move or to be moved by another body. Meaning that it has in if the power or energy that can be transformed at any time.

In conclusion no body is lacking of movement and this phenomenon must to the structure that forms the matter that is to say, to atoms. Another category of the energy is denominated kinetic which owns the bodies as a result of the movement. The quantitative or mathematical energy of a body is greater or smaller according to its mass or movement. That is to say: if the body owns a great mass and a great speed the energy will be greater. When a body goes at a high speed we can say with respect to which it carries out a greater work which represents a greater number of energy with respect to a body that is in rest. Young people if you set afire a piece of wood they produce heat, to this energy call the physicists calorific. This same wood piece produces another denominated energy luminous, as a result of the temperature.

Last Modified on March 10, 2016
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