Happy Businessmen; Successful Business

If your organization smiles, your customers smile also. If your company smiles, your employees communicate more fluently. If you dare to believe that the work need not be serious, you will manage to pass through one of the doors of communication. If your company smiles, its internal climate should be explosively contagious, the trade is a smile the Fund of goodwill, of companies abroad is usually with difference of other concepts, the presence or absence of good humor in his team of people. I always remember that one of the critical factors of success of businesses, usually the enthusiasm and its clearest expression and more cordial: smile.

Because this style, like a virus, is necessarily spread to the environment, and thus between the customer for example. As you can see,…treat you as there are no achievements if the goal is not well known (how many times fails communication in companies!), wills are favored, with the smile and the enthusiasm in enterprises, and accomplish this should be one of the objectives of managers, I believe that it would stimulate the involvement of the teams on projects, and above smiling LOS DOS secrets basics to me there are two secrets Basic, blunt, the first: get dressed of smile in the mornings, and the second really interest you by others laughter and smilethey are excellent toning exercises of the spirit, and equivalent, say, to own health. Smile, say that it is the shortest distance between two people. And finally, interested in others, I can understand them and that can understand me. I.e. we communicate. And if we communicate accompanied by a smile, possibly share common and consensual goals more clearly. (Because not give this morning the best our smiles to someone today?, and what is best..)without any justification.) I like to pay more taxes of truth, ..I have always believed that it is good to pay taxes.