First General Government

The first chapter involves a narrative on the One hundred Years of Historical Antecedents of Parnamirim – FOOT (1847 of 1947) to explain that the region is old, being that this space folloied different processes of occupation, destined to the settling. However, as city, was formed very late in relation to its povoamento, is enough to remember that Leopoldina was city of the time of the Empire, however, it is not justified to be forgotten or to be omitted of history, for the risk to lose part of its memory and its identity, being been only the vision of the gift of the mestizo, without the references of its past and them relations between the white, the black and the indian. In as the chapter the cast of the Families always presents itself who Had colonized the High Hinterland of Pernambuco, its respective last names and developed activities, aiming at to show to the envolvement social politician and of the colonizadores, the paper of the church catholic in the occupation regions and the perpetual European pose of the pioneers, becoming invisible the participation of blacks and indians in the process. The third chapter shows as if it gave the Politician-administrative Formation of the Cities of the Hinterland Pernambuco, with the objective to prove the importance of the relationship of the neighbors for the emancipation politics of povoamentos and urban nuclei of a region, either for economic interest either for religious motivation, beyond the entailing of the sertanistas with the Family Garci’a d? Avila, of the House of the Tower for the acquisition of lands, since the installation of the First General Government of Brazil. For the room chapter a space of prominence for the city was reserved, tracing the Current Profile of Parnamirim, adding the gift to the memory, history and identity of its people, since the past, aiming at to today explain the position of the city, face to the reality of the microregions of the State, analyzing the relations administrative, social and economic politics and existing between them as well as influences of some families in the life of the population of the other next cities, keeping a patriarcal subordination in relation to the city of where it was desmembrada.