Computer Science Store

It has some a few days ago, in a colloquy with friends, I was questioned on what my store of computer science, when I counted, I finished almost being insulted for not vender some gadgets famous as iPad, being thus, I decided to show my opinion to it, and to say what I find that a computer science store must vender. It is not alone of gadgets that the computer science store live, much for the contrary o, the term ' ' informtica' ' it is directly on with related subjects the computers, and alone, for example, I give myself to the luxury of vender some processors, peripherals for computer, among others. However, it is not alone of that live the computer science store, I for example, seeing models of devices tocadores of MP3/MP4, after all, computer science am an inserted subject inside of the world of the technology, but this does not want to say that a computer science store needs to vender all the types of gadgets, as cellular, tablets among others. This is my opinion on what the computer science store must vender, and you, agree with me?.