Web Site

Create a design for the site on a professional level – is not just pretty pictures and text readable, and original idea, the concept of a unified style, the integrity of the perception of the artistic image site, its simplicity, convenience and consistency. These network resources and attract visitors visiting this site, you not only get the right information, but also admires the great web design, and most importantly – he will remember this site and at necessarily need to come back. Therefore, those enthusiasts – beginners who directed their efforts to work on the Internet should be clear about the foundations of web technology and terminology of the virtual network. Basic knowledge necessary to start, because not knowing the essence of the basic concepts of technology saitostroitel'stva, you will never learn to earn online seriously. But completely useless meticulously investigate and learn enough complicated server technology and / or network programming fundamentals, rather to know the basics of web design and think the main point of Internet terms. After starting Moneymaker initially rather vague imagine what a hosting service, the Internet zone, the domain name system, network card, and so on. And very very strange definition for the beginner – tags, metatags, hypertext network, links, etc. But – if you wish make money online not for ice cream, and a car or aim a blow at something more serious, then all the knowledge one way or another you will need.

After all, enough to build a quality, competitive marketing website business not that particularly difficult, but requires specific knowledge and skills. That newcomers to the Internet, alas – do not have. Technology web design does not represent a kind of tricky science, which is inaccessible to minds of ordinary mortals. At the end of all, this is not writing a doctoral thesis, but a very common way of acquiring knowledge that is available even to schoolchildren. By the way, young sculptors create sometimes even very good sites, and oddly enough they manage to earn.

With an adult, not associated with technology web design, it seems rather strange and surprising. Nothing strange here. After all, the students, unlike us adults who are accustomed to them and learn to procedure is easier to pick up a book and get to the core terminology of web design technologies, rather than us adults. So what, exactly is the "technology of web design"? Web Design (English web-design) – the process of development and creation intellectual products of the technologies used on the Internet. A bit unusual wording, is not it? In fact, nothing unusual there is no: it is simply quite unique. Let's try to deal with essence of this definition. As a rule, come to the Internet novices rather vague idea that a process called "design a website." There is nothing surprising in this. The process of creating Site is not working on the Internet, because it is produced almost entirely on the local computer (ie the ones that are not connected to the Internet.) This process (in any case, the most important part of it) called in web design, and the result of this work will be web-project: This should be carefully examined, to analyze the quality of the site and then publish – move the files to a web project on server. That's when your Web project, in full accordance with the definition of the classical terminology, the Internet will be the site. Thus, the creation of the site – it is nothing like creating a web project, with elements of web design and subsequent publication in Internet.

Last Modified on April 28, 2020
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