Viktor Frankl

Alex Pattakos, Director of the Center for Meaning, in his book: Viktor Frankl principles applied to the world of work (Paidos, 2008), argues that companies should be to look back to find that vital meaning that managers and employees have lost in Frankl. The work, conceived as employment, has been considered in different ways by different cultures and religions, and based on these concepts, the person has been linked to the same. How you conceive of the purpose of our work, will depend on the sense that we give. Of Viktor Frankl logotherapy, is derived a theory of motivation, which is considered the main pursuit of the man, searching for meaning in what he does. If a person is in their job answers that give meaning to what makes, its workforce development will be full of commitment and tenacity. When asked, a prestigious consultant who works on emotional training of managers, on whether practitioners were meaning to what they did, answered: working with many companies where only I see people killed in daily work.

We have to respond to how we can find our direction and our inner motivation. We have to focus, and live these principles and share them with others. And this is urgent. How to make this, it seems another matter, and however, if we look at the intellectual legacy of Dr. Frankl, all work leads us towards the development of a sense that has to do with what I, for the result of my work as a professional or as a person, surrender to the world. So that is can produce a change in this regard, and from these postulates, becomes absolutely necessary a strategy based on the personal growth of people at the individual level, without obviating the importance that has in all this at any time, the structure of enterprises and organizations, and encourage and promote them to know increase the identity of the templatethat focus towards persons who study and establish criteria for reward, or to increase tolerance in conflict situations, as some of the interventions that should be introduced. Very the opposite of the ideal theoretical, and very often, being unable to find meaning in what we do at work, establish a radical and strict separation between life and work, and so when out of work, is when you try to search for a meaning to life. Work and life, life and work, should not have borders so impossible.