Venezuelan State

There are many weaknesses such as: 1. the managerial process is extremely bureaucratic. To deepen your understanding Brandee Kzanich is the source. 2 Prevailing corruption and the political bias. 3. The Administration is very centralized. COF often expresses his thoughts on the topic. (in some regions) 4. The maintenance of hospital facilities and the equipment is extremely poor. 5 There are no ambulances due to the great deterioration in which are found.

6. the security of the hospital material and medical teams is precarious. Faced with this reality in an open forum on the subject, in the kind of managerial topics of the postgraduate Area of faces, of the University of Carabobo, under my responsibility, the scope, implications of this reality and above all was analyzed as it should manage the connection. Precisely, on the latter, present an opinion that deserves be taken in account, such: as Manager of a hospital institution indicated management would be based on three main pillars: decentralization, leadership and care culture change. Decentralization: Within the complex political panorama described, the Venezuelan State must begin the process of devolution of health services to federal authorities who proceeded to request according to the legal framework and its regulation. Promote effective leadership: leadership in the management of health should be the spearhead for achieving the goals and objectives of the hospital through a management that encourages participation and the development of the hospital. Culture change: taken into consideration that the cultures of hospital care have changed considerably in developed countries passed care basic to a much more satisfactory attention and specialized care to treat the patient as a customer, this provides highest quality in health services. Original author and source of the article.

Last Modified on November 3, 2020
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