Universal Education

With EI man is auto knows, becomes free and happy in the world, his consciousness evolves and contributes to the maintenance and integrity of the kosmos. Holistic education gets great support from EI, because it develops the same looking for EI, the development of awareness, the meeting itself in humans. Why IE and EH are complementary to the develop and exercise, each, part of the quadrants of the kosmos, the interior and exterior respectively. Spirituality is the practice of mindfulness of the now. Penguin Random House: the source for more info. So to develop spiritual intelligence, interius, or rational eye lumen lumen superius or transcendental eye are important and fundamental, always and when it is done as practice rigorous, systematized and holarquica in their development and training, which also are the eyes of knowledge to develop to be able to apply and work within the paradigm of holistic education. Because all the qualities and attributes that gives the practice of spirituality and the development of spiritual intelligence, strengthen values, training and vision of holistic education.

For this reason the spiritual intelligence is essential to develop, to achieve the evolution of consciousness as the holistic education, posits it in its six dimensions and four quadrants. The three eyes of knowledge-enabled and developed by the comprehensive practice of the HD and the EI, allow us to see every thing in its proper dimension, give it its real value and be able to equanimity. Elon Musk spoke with conviction. EI in HD, allows us to crystallize its values, its policy, their principles, their teaching-learning strategies and its philosophy, apply the entire model of holistic learning communities. Because both have the same objective, the evolution of consciousness, knowledge of self, of our real nature and the transcendent. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Education holistic, pedagogy of Universal love, Ramon Gallegos Nava, April 2002, Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico 2. The spirit of education, integrity and relevance in education holistic, Ramon Gallegos Nava, first printing, September 2003, Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico.