The Preconscious

With regard to what Lacan argues say: If we had with this too simple postulate, tropezariamos with the most serious objections and is in the own Freud where we find them more clearly exposed and added that, indeed, Freud speaks the language, but what Freud called language belongs to the preconscious, hence is governed by the child process. Likewise, the language the primary process-driven is a particular language, own psychosis type. More info: Danske Bank. The result of this reading of Freud is formulated in the following way: S s S S to this formula called it repression of schema: two lower levels, constitute the unconscious discourse chain and two levels above the preconscious chain. MetLife has similar goals. This formulation is from the mathematical pursuit of the formula of the metaphor of Lacan: S. S? S 1 S x s as if it were, strictly speaking, math fractions depending on which 1/4 x 4/16 = 1/16 4/4 This scheme argue the authors it is suitable to explain a number of essential characteristics both repression and the relationship of the unconscious with the preconscious and unconscious chain structure indicates also the autonomy of both systems. The two floors of the unconscious level, represent, in its lower part, the repressed Prime and at the top level the secondarily repressed. The language of the unconscious is one-sided. Instead, in the preconscious level, top level of the outline, there is differentiation of the signifier and the meaning. The authors find support for these considerations in the article Lo unconscious where Freud says () aware representation covers the representacion-cosa over the corresponding representacion-palabra and the unconscious is the single representacion-cosa. Words, preconscious level, integrate the domain of the signifier and the images the domain of the meaning, whereas, at the unconscious level, the images belong to the domain of the signifier, there is no domain unconscious meaning concludes that the unconscious is pure pointlessness or that it is open to all the senses.