The People

If you quisieses stop thinking you do not paliarias the consequences of your activity as tiredness, stress or mental exhaustion. Soon would come the need for new and you would be again forced to work. Not being in condition, everything would collapse. Rule number 1: the day begins when you arrive home the first rule is do not forget your priorities. A large part of the blame that forget is that he may not have clear your goals.

It is first to define them. If your priority is to have fun and enjoy as you thought that Monday morning then a condition must be in normal conditions reaching the moment in which you will have fun. To a certain extent is normal to get tired, but you can’t accept a balance that prevents you from exactly that by working it. Rule number 2: goes for something, experiencing, see. When you’re tired the tele is a wonderful choice. You feel and she gives you random content, but the truth is that you go to it because it is the best thing that you find in front of your sofa.

And if you choose it even when you’re not tired, it is unequivocal symptom that you don’t know anything better. Why you should go outside and sit rookie. Put their noses in places new and see what offers you the world. Sure there are 17 shops in which you’ve not entered never in your own street. Test and experiment gives you the ability to decide. How many more options you have, you can most take into account when deciding. If you only know an answer to the question, what should I do? You choose always the same. Why you gotta be so an entrepreneur in your spare time in your work. Looking for new things, let yourself be surprised, try here and there and ask the people around you which hobbies are. Many will be in your same situation but surely you will find new things. Rule number 3: special for entrepreneurs and self-employed there is a growing tendency among entrepreneurs and freelancers (but also applicable to the rest of us) in that the more work better. Indeed, the more work the company normally tends to give more benefits. But the thing is never linear, that safe. I.e., that if you work one hour and win 50, do not think that working 3 earn 150. It is enough to be strict counting working time that you dedicate to yourself (if you also have those e-mails on Sunday morning and that you’re obliged to do to maintain the company’s image). Once you have counted the hours real you work divides them between your salary and you see how much you win at the time. Seeks to find the best possible balance always effort-benefit regardless of the number that is on the benefit. Conclusion if you want a good organization advice: take advantage of your free time. That’s why so you sacrificaras, by what will go to work, so it reduces the time of your daily tasks and what they will do things that in principle you don’t want. The waste would be an attack on yourself. I already promised me to help you from the beginning to better your organization and you define your goals, but is essential to be aware that we do it to get to a moment in which we can enjoy our free time. And that, in itself, deserves your attention. What do you think? Original author and source of the article

Last Modified on December 20, 2016
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