The Impression

You will not have many opportunities to introduce yourself in front of a new customer and try to make a great impression. Prepare properly what you say and tries to be as bright and compelling as possible. 2 Presentations to existing customers. Yes, don’t think for a single moment that a customer who purchased your products or services on one occasion will be with you for the rest of his days if you’re not able to surprise him and fascinate him constantly. 3. Telephone conversations. The phone is also a great tool to present, argue and sell.

Any conversation structured with sense will put you in a situation of privilege against your customer or potential customer retail that can look like. 4. Internal meetings. There is a famous saying that says something like: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and nothing like a duck is a duck. What I mean is that, if you want to earn the professional respect of the people with whom you work, you will have to take advantage of this type of occasions for giving the impression that you deserve. 5 Networking. Contacts meetings are typical site where you have to know what you must say and who you tell.

Prepares your possible talks with affection, working your elevator pitch (presentation of 30?) and internalize it so that when it arises the occasion comes out naturally. Please clear what you say and how going you to say, but it is as authentic as really are. 6. Presentations of project. If you are tucked into the consulting business, or you have to develop a project in your company, take advantage of the moment of the presentation to convince with data that you submit to win with the way in which you post them. 7 Cold calling. It is surprising to see how the knowledge of technique and a good execution can make you achieve amazing results when you call someone that you don’t know.

Last Modified on May 12, 2022
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