ESF Group

The group facilitated to the contact and the exchange of experiences for individuals that are living deeply a specific moment of the phase of the life, what it made possible to become them resilientes. Before giving beginning to the activities of group we carry through some modifications in the routine of the attendance of the unit and, in this manner, we produce an agenda of flexible attendance and with priority, guarantee of encaminhamentos through flowchart, medical consultation and of in agreement nursing the degree of gestacional risk, medications and vaccination, searchs active of faulty gestantes through books of registers and accompaniment of communitarian agents of health, territorializao, among others. The implemented changes had had the objective to reorganize the assistance to the health of the mother and baby and consequentemente to become accessible the gestantes the accomplishment of programmed consultations, to guarantee the accomplishment of the examinations of prenatal with integral accompaniment and creation of bond enters the unit of health and the customers. The planning and programming of the activities of group next to the health team had gone off an internal movement for the production of the education in health searching a direct relation on the especificidades lease – regional. Thus we appealed to one 9 strategical planning that it searched to supply the necessities of health brought by the participants, what it contributed to accomplish the ESF of Anibal as primordial reference of the gestantes registered in cadastre in the adscrita area. A significant reduction was perceivable it looks for the unit of health of ambulatorial attendance of the city, portraied for the frequency assdua of the consultations of prenatal and the group of gestante. It was also noticed on the part of the professionals and the participants of the group a bigger search for the ESF of the Anbal. In such a way, we strengthen the bond with the gestantes and the practical one of the shelter, therefore we had a bigger contact with the group perceiving its individual necessities. .