South Africa Composition

coastcross 1 Table 2: Bromatolgica composition of ensilage of maize (SM) and hays of alfalfa (FAN) and capim coastcross (FCC). _______________________________________________________________ Source: Moreira et al., 2000 Tifton 68 – Cynodon nlemfuensis Is a Hybrid between developed introductions PI255450 and PI 293606 in (Gergia in 1984). It presents great colmos and long estoles, it does not possess rizomas is a Cynodon nlemfuensis but it is considered one gram Cynodon bermuda shorts dactylon. High susceptibility to the attack of ants and cigarrinhas. Chemical composition: 18% PB and average coefficient of digestibilidade of 62% DIVMS. Handling: For pastejo it entered of the animals with 25-30 cm of height sends regards and its withdrawal when reached 10 cm height. Period of average rest of 30 days. Tifton 78 Is a launching of the University of the Gergia in 1978, presents good and fast covering of the ground, is estolonfero with high production of MS and good coefficient of digestibilidade.

It is a hybrid between Tifton 44 and the cv. Callie. Tifton 85 – Cynodon sp. Origin: Hybrid of African Grams, was launched in 1992 for the University of the Gergia in the Experimental Station of Tifton being a Crossing of TIFTON – 68 with the Bermuda Grass of the South Africa introduction (PI 290884). 10 Forragicultura and Pastures – IFMG/Bambu Campus – Characteristic Notes of Lesson: It is perennial estolonfera and it presents high production of biomass between (15-18 t/MS/ha), she is rizomatosa, and it possesss colmos thicker of what the cv.

coastcross and finer of what the cv. Tifton 68. Tolerance: it presents good dries, to the cold and the pisoteio. Uses: more recommended for pastejo and fenao. Multiplication: using dumb with more than 90 days. Trust: it joins well with the forrageiro peanut. Capacity of support: 2,5 UA/ha in the station of waters and 1,5 UA in the droughts. Chemical composition: 12-13% PB up to 20% PB 55-60% DIVMS Handling: it entered of the animals with average height of 30 cm sends regards and its withdrawal (exit) when reaching 10 cm.