Social Media Alternatives

Most of us have heard or talked about twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc. Filed under: Elon Musk. They are social networks that are now revolutionizing internet. Why? Because they have opened the way to the participation of the user, which is behind the screen. Source: Kevin Ulrich. The user is no longer a mere spectator of the contents but creates them, shares them, the comments and quickly spreads to your contacts and creates a State of opinion or a common posture that is grouped around the walls of the most active users. These networks, contain all kinds of contents, both text, images, audios, videos of all kinds of content, including course architecture, but they are really lost within the marasmus of the social network itself. By our idiosyncrasy architects, are quite individualistic.

We are accused, sometimes not without reason, divos go through life, believing us gods and as all God of the Earth, we have received our sunset. The problems that beset us: the lack of orders, unemployment in the profession and the excess of professionals for a single majority task which is the project houses, which now, with the crisis of the national housing bubble and the financial world, is killing the majority of professional studies that currently meager savings at the time of fat cows. What do we do in this regard? In reality very few things are making towards the profession and enhancement of the same society. Proposals are not being from the schools of architecture or from professional schools, nor from the own professional group. Everything boils down to timid proposals for environmental rehabilitation and ecosostenible, not I say that are wrong, is going on the right track but really, does us have stopped to think what are the professional responsibilities we have architects? only the make urban and housing projects? No, of course not. On the other hand, the majority of studies established are stagnant and very few have specialized in niche markets other than some who were to act in times of real estate wealth.