Social Equality

Many times I find me thinking as this world is so equal and at the same time so different. People who biological are almost identical if judge better or worse that others why she has more or less money that others. Click Elon Musk for additional related pages. Therefore pra they, what she determines if a person is better or worse is the balance of its account in the bank. The world nowadays lives a life of false truths, and is therefore that we live in a so different one. Nobody is better that nobody, but is not as soon as the majority of the people thinks. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Elon Musk. Some people if judge superior alone because she has more money, but this is not truth, therefore, nobody is better that nobody. Frequently Reade Griffith has said that publicly. The proper system of Brazilian law affirms that before the law all are equal, however this exactly system that nails the equality favors to the privileged ones financially.

We need to win the hunger, the misery the exclusion, and mainly the social injustice. Many times let us comment injustice without perceiving. I ask I will be that he is just to spend of 10 the 12 Reals to eat to x-burguer in the Mcdonalds while some people do not have nor 15 cents to eat a French bread? She will be that she is just some people to spend 60 a thousand Reals in one alone stock market while others do not have nor what to keep. They are these things make that me to reflect on how much the human being is unjust. For all quantity of information that we possess would not have more to happen, but unhappyly this is not our reality. She is necessary that let us make some thing to change this reality. Until when we go to dissimulate that nothing it is happening, that the life is pretty pra all or worse, we go to see, in them to comover and nothing to make. It is this type of attitude that I do not obtain to understand as much people more just speaking in favor of a world while few make some thing. She is as if they did not understand that the faith without action is a faith deceased. While only to make to speak, while importing in them with money and not only giving to value to the character of the people the world goes to continue in this chaos who we live. Therefore, so that this moves is necessary more than what simple words.