So Paulo

Also in the year of 1730 a public writing created a project of opening of a road between Santa Catarina and the Fields of Ambrsios, in plateaus north of Santa Catarina and south of the Paran. (TERNES, 2001) As Cyro Ehlke apud Ternes (2001) this dated document of 27 of December of 1730 could be the referring writing to the first official document, telling its construction. It swims, however it proves its real implantation, being the way of difficult access, where the merchandises were carried between the coast catarinense north (San Francisco of the South) and Curitiba, they were lead in the coasts for the tropeiros or lombo of animals. Ehlke quotation that is not had as to determine the time that you endeavour had delayed to open the bite that bound to San Francisco of the South the Curitiba, however knows that ' ' the San Francisco Road the Ambrsios' ' , ' ' (…) it served for the withdrawal of the Portuguese forces of Santa Catarina, when the island was conquered by the Spaniard, in 1777' ' (EHLKE apud TERNES, 2001:40). One also knows that in 1783 middle the road already had an opening and transit in view of order given for the Real Meeting of the City of So Paulo for the impediment of the Way of San Francisco has seen claims of the contract-holder of toll taxes that were having damages with income shunting lines. (TERNES, 2001) It was called as ' ' Road Three Barras' ' , or ' ' Way of Ambrsios' ' one communication way that bound the catarinense coast since then called River San Francisco, and this through the Canal of the Three Bars until the Mountain range of the Sea, beaching a ship the Fields of Ambrsio, passing next Is Jose of the Pinhais until Curitiba, by which cattle convoys were carried through, still was carried in lombo from donkey the dry meat, lard, salt, flour and kills, being the name ' ' Way Three Barras' ' data because the way had as its end point the canal of ' ' River Three Barras' ' or ' ' River of San Francisco ' ' , that it culminates in the Bay of the Babitonga.

Last Modified on December 20, 2016
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