
This time the station to that it makes mention the title is so recharged as the plots palaciegas in which it sees surrounded the story. I have not stopped making annotations, this time in pieces and strips of paper that I believe that they can interest only to as nomadic mind as mine. As what it would serve to give strange names them that will not include/understand. It is more probable that it finds somebody that has read this one book in any side in River less Galician. Not if there is people who dedicate to the sort of science fiction in the city, and if thus outside I do not know it. The probabilities that can make a crossing of impressions on Heliconia-Summer with other people are very little. This sensation to be in mistaken way always happens to me. It serves as something to make critics of book that nobody Lee? Somebody Lee these lines? He would conform to me that only one person said to me or wrote saying to me to me: Quise to read the book by the critic of the magazine.

He never happened. Beyond citizen loss of energy and the little interest, that every day diminishes on the literary subjects, this one present the short distance of 40 units that allows a sample shared by the friendly, many of which buy the magazine by the affection and are in another thing that is not Literature. Equal: been thankful by the support. Anyway east use space to make a species of count and impressions of the books that I am reading, for that reason I do not put myself either of the hairs if to anybody it interests to him, I am like the donkey that grinds the wheat in the chain dump while all the others do hers. Until both volumes they have a coherence here that only Aldiss can obtain.

It is clarified what is the situation of the inhabitants of the Avernus prisoners in its observant ship due to the virus heliconiano that kills to the earths dweller the few days to breathe the air of the planet. Nevertheless a lottery allows that an individual can lower each as much to die in Heliconia, nobody refuses because the death in freedom is better than to live centuries in a tin floating in the space. History turns around one of the winners of this one lottery that are surrounded in the intrigues palaciegas and wars of dominion. What changes is that we are in a planet where the nature is strange and atrapante. Recently Benito Santiago sought to clarify these questions. The fact to read the second volume of this one trilogy immediately after to have finished first, must to the capacity of the writer to catch its reader. The merit is greater when the time to other things robs to him to be able to do it. Recommendable like first. Finally it would mean to the souls pilgrims to them that read these lines that I have bought and enjoyed some books by its critics or recommendations. For that reason itself grinding wheat, sometimes somebody will make bread with the product of my effort I see, them in the next return of the chain dump.

Last Modified on October 31, 2021
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