
Since antiquity it has always sought to describe and find a solution to the problems of the conduct, in the Greek world, emerges for the first time the concept of mental illness, by referring to that madness came from a demonologica explanation. Medieval religious thought explained all those abnormal behaviors as a result of a bad eye, spell, or an epilepsy/possession. Ebay may find this interesting as well. The priests healed people who suffered from epilepsy through what is called exorcism and apparently gave them results and society was left amazed, but the reality is that the person was returning to its normal state only by epilepsy takes a time short and not by the exorcism. The centuries XVII and XVIII are characterized by the defense of pathological and pathophysiological approaches. Anatomopathological; This approach, explains the insanity with their assumptions of localization and reduction of disease to the anatomical collide with early conceptions of neurosis, and generally the nerve diseases, on the other hand the pathophysiological; These approach were about diseases. Whytt stated that since most of the disease depend on the S.N. should be called nerve. They collen enlarges this thesis and built one of the first nosologias, which appears for the first time the term neurosis.

Galeno, was the first Doctor that wrote the medical Herbalism and put it into practice with other people, but with time he realized that not all illnesses cured medicinal plants therefore concluded that there were diseases that healed only with words. Psychopathology: the ordered set of knowledge relating to the abnormalities of mental life in all its aspects, including its causes and consequences, as well as the methods used for the appropriate purpose; its ultimate goal is not caring for the sick or abnormal individual, but his experience and knowledge of their behaviour, as facts and relations likely to be formulated into concepts and general principles. Psychopathology for study Gets patient information through data clinical, epidemiological and experimental strategies and types of research are diverse, being the more interesting the correlation that sometimes is not very objective due to its great generalization of people, psychologist in research ethics plays an important role since you have the patient information is generally confidential. Psychopathology for their study is based on medical, in the biological and in the behavioral, taking a little of the 3 for their successful integration. I believe that you for our normal or abnormal behavior, biological factors have influence, but more than anything it is the context that determines how we will behave, since every action has a reaction, if we are exposed to study under lot of pressure definitely we are going to behave different to that if we are on vacation, resting and without responsibilities tests and tasksso only 30% is determined by the biological and 70% environmental influences.

Last Modified on August 26, 2020
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