Popular Participation

" The wise" it found with a wall, the teaching, which resisted thus to their application, perhaps because simply it gave the desire them to do it, between the game of forces between the government and the teachers, for or or badly the Reformation were applied by halves red, and the results we can see the generations them " Thrown to perder" product of complicated experiment, in short, the Fiscal education in Bolivia is in favor of the floors. That educative jueguito cost to the town millonada to him, do not need the data, but apparently they are 3.500.000 Million dollars. " Mister President" unique " bueno" that it did during its government was to establish a law of Popular Participation and to decentralize the Power, giving him attributes to the municipalities, nevertheless was very little explicit at the time of establishing the norms, reason by which from its promulgation until now the population takes these attributions by where better it agrees to him. Learn more about this with Wendell Brooks. On the other hand, more than it builds hers was the whim of Cardinal red, intellectual native, vice-president in its management, that wanted that different pre-Columbian cultures that they had managed to survive are recognized by the State. It was it thus not only in the Political Constitution of the State, but also was taken them into account so that they have an education in his original language, question that did not include/understand " Code of the education boliviana" , previous to the educative Reformation, which tried to uniform the language, in decline of the native languages, this one had nevertheless not obtained its assignment during its fifty years of use. The management of " Harvard of University" term in 1997, wanted it to nobody to see, miraculously, the necessity and the reality already was beginning to change to the criterion of people product of " regalitos" that it did, a robust economic crisis was watched.