Optics Laboratory

Stages C and D will be developed by a terceirizada team of the laboratory of the Optics Ana Maria, that had been trained previously to work the lenses in agreement the necessity of the project. Stages F and G are made by design of jewels, responsible for the creative process. Stage I, also is terceirizada, made by a silversmith specialized in the artisan jewel confection. 8.METODOLOGIA For the development of the project, first was made a drawing the free hand of the product, followed of drawing attended for the computer where if it used the Blender program and the archetypes had been developed with the aid of the program Corel Draw. After that, a research in the city of Belm was made to discover the opinion of the users of eyeglasses on its interests on jewels. The adopted metodolgicos procedures in this research will only give account of a boarding quantitative. 8.1.

STUDY AREA the site Gazette web disponibiliza a series of news articles with information on diverse interesting places to know itself, between these cities, it cites Belm, describing it as one ' ' obligator stop for who wants to know the north of the Brasil' '. Known as the City of Hoses, it has about a million and 400 a thousand inhabitants, with hot and humid climate the year all. The capital of Par is to the side of the Bay of Guajar. Its fluvial port is put into motion of the region north of Brazil. Belm was established in 1616, to the side of the River Par, with the construction of the Fort of the Prespio, today Strong Castle. In strategical place, of the Portuguese they could control the navigation in the region prevent attacks of foreign invaders there. The economy of Belm is based mainly on the activities of the commerce, services and tourism, even so either also developed the industrial activity with some shipyards, steel mills, fishes and improvement of the palmito, but mainly lumber.