Network Marketing

Let’s define first what is telework. Telework is work done at a distance using information technologies and communication, for the sale of products and services to the world via the Internet. Access to a PC, Internet, and E-mail could list as the basic tools necessary for teleworking. On the other hand, these vary according to the type of work performed. For example: a graphic designer that provides its services to a company abroad, might need a graphics tablet to do their jobs. A craftsman who produces its own products, may need a digital camera to take pictures and show them to their buyers. While a networker, surely need a microphone and a webcam to communicate with their customers.

Regardless of the type of telework that occurs, this brings numerous benefits to those who practice it. Below to see some of them: 1. work in an own mobile situation term telecommuting tells us one of its main features, and is the freedom to work in a mobile situation. I.e. lets you perform work from various locations, either from your home, the home of a relative or a friend, from a hotel, a restaurant or a cafe. 2 Access to a global market telework allows access to a global market. This is a great advantage, not only by the volume of potential sales (whether products or services), but also because it is paid in US dollars or in Euros, and in some countries this implies a very important difference of income, in comparison with a traditional job.

3 Have greater independence there are different levels of autonomy according to the degree of association having with other companies. An interesting possibility is the of be auto-empleado, i.e. the possibility to assemble his own business on the Internet. Matter what mode you choose, telework allows us greater independence and autonomy. However, it is also true that required capacity Organization and self-discipline by the teleworker. 4 Organize their work according to his life another important aspect to consider is the flexible timetable. Although you have to meet certain deadlines (as in any other activity), you have much greater freedom in the management of working hours. The teleworker has the freedom to organize their work according to your life, and not vice versa. If you are interested in the idea of starting to work, the first thing you have to do is learn. I invite you to investigate and find out information on your own, you will find that there are many possibilities. Here I leave some keywords that you can find on Google, by way of suggestion: telework, TICs, types of telework, Business Online, Freelance, Network Marketing, affiliate programs, e-Marketing.

Last Modified on February 19, 2014
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