
35. How can you invite your Twitter followers for your other platforms social, like LinkedIn, Facebook or MySpace? Of course you can. 36 I am. not in my mixing applications place with my tweets, but if you do, they do it from the application of location in Twitter, not vice versa. 37 Reach the other Tweet their ads or news or logs is useful, but sometimes comes out as a barrier or spam. Be prepared for that perception. 38.Tweets we refer to photos and / or video and / or music, etc, are always a good way to improve the experience.

39 By Please remove LinkedIn Twitter. Use the tag # rather than another and be selective. 40 Spammy or not, events that Tweet your attendance record seem to drive attendance. Out of 41 Twitter. Are their tweets really what you want to show in the sidebar? Not that direct people away from your site? 42 Think of Twitter as a guidance system on what you think is interesting. Much of that likely that outside of Twitter. 43 Applications like are nice, but it can be a great distraction in the events. 44.

If you use tweets on a screen at an event, be warned that if moderate. Furious demonstrators may appear. 45. Don’t forget to invite people from outside of Twitter to follow on Twitter. Include your actual Twitter ID number (which I see a lot of follow me on Twitter, without more details). 46 Ask questions on Twitter makes to make very interesting comments and opinions from blogs. 47 Tweetups are impressive, especially if they do something more to drink and say hello. (Though, well, drinks can be nice.) 48. Out of the Twitter application, maintain Tw names to a minimum. We are not your tweeps. 49. If your marketing efforts are only in Twitter, start to build a marketing list by e-mail. Never put your eggs in one basket. 50 Start thinking about 120 characters (remember? save 20). Every bit of this advice is tweetable.

Last Modified on August 27, 2014
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