Jose Guerra

As a fourth element should be noted the overvaluation of the national currency which has resulted in increased excessive imports and the extinction of the non-oil exports, all this at the expense of domestic production. Between 1999 and 2008, imports jumped from US $14.492 billion to $45 billion, which denotes a cumulative growth of 210%. Venezuela is an economy of ports that produces little and care a lot for that reason for all practical purposes. The few industries that previously exported already do not as they have been cases of Sidor and Cemex, now in the hands of the State. If the above is not enough, has joined a climate of labour conflicts encouraged from the Government through the establishment of parallel unions who for any reason and without any justified cause crippling businesses and stop the production. That has been the case with automotive companies whose production has declined more than 20 percent with the consequent effect on the fall in the range of vehicles and prices rise. In this way, conforms a box that gets worse as the Government does not design clear and stable policies for a key sector in the revival of the national economy. Thus, with figures from the BCV and own estimates in the chart describes the decline of the production of the national manufacturing industry with its effect on the loss of well-paid jobs and social security replaced by a swarm of sellers of imported goods entering by Customs to be then traded in the mallsthat every day they are constructed for the negotiation of goods manufactured abroad, giving a feeling of prosperity when what escande behind it is a fictional and artificial world that does not create permanent welfare. The expressed and thoroughly analyzed by Jose Guerra, is a fact that should concern us, because that involves our developing and representing condemned to import dependency, the absence of possibilities following immediately which openings to hand labour of the country, dealt with companies who really know how to take advantage of the same opportunities that the State is offering with regard to its new foreign trade policy, in which alliances with developed countries are giving and where, the industrial park Venezuelan, if you were productive, offering quality products could venture into new markets that favors him.

Last Modified on June 23, 2020
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