Internet Cleaning

I suggest to you until you do not have an advanced knowledge, always works with the options of Ccleaner installed by defect. Ccleaner is a program certainly will not eliminate of your PC useful archives and necessary, you will not lose any important, sensible information for you and in those cases in that it is justified to previously endorse the information to the cleaning, the program will offer that alternative to you. The left panel of the right window of the Cleaning one shows the types of archives to clean. As to clean my PC with Ccleaner it includes cleaning archives of Internet Explorer, also of the Explorer of Windows, system files and include options outposts we will always leave that them without marking. To analyze and To execute cleaner the right panel presents/displays two bellboys: Analizar and cleaning Ejecutar.

When cliquear on the button Analizar, the program begins to work analyzing the hard disk to identify what archives correspond to be eliminated. It is very probable that the first time that executes east program, the cleaning delays a few minutes in finalizing because surely your PC has very many unnecessary and dangerous things that will have to be eliminated. You will really see that as to clean my PC through these panels he is very simple. S.A. to begin the cleaning you have open your navigator of Internet, the program will warn to you that you must close it for the purposes of which the cleaning can be completed. After the Ccleaner analysis it lists the archives that will eliminate when doing click in Ejecutar the cleaner. You can always erase all this with confidence, as it said to you surely when you make your first analysis, this list is going to be extenssima, we click in cleaning Ejecutar and when finalizing it presents/displays a report indicating that the cleaning has been completed, what has been the run time, the amount of erased megas and the detail of the eliminated archives. Tutorial video Surely it will facilitate the understanding to you of how cleaning to my PC the one that you see a complete gratuitous video that in few minutes it will show the complete process to you you can easily reproduce so that it in your PC.