Instant Messaging

January 1, 2011, the Tiempo public the results of the study carried out by market research firm: Initiative, called Reset generation (see news). Mainly it is concluded that young people today in Latin America are more mature than before, and we directed towards a generation more independent, conservative, frivolous and mature emotionally. In addition, such research warns that young people of these eras are smarter, faster, and more sociable, leaving in evidence also an evolution in knowledge. It should be noted that the interviews were conducted by internet young people from stratum 4, 5 and 6, whose ages ranged between 18 and 24 years of age. No doubt that the above represents a new panoramic perspectives and observations carried out in the area of youth.

However, there are reasons that contradict what said in that document, among them, the report World Youth (2007) of the UN, where despite indicate a slight improvement of young people on the field of education, alongside notes that poverty and unemployment are everyday situations that seriously affect youth and that is every day increasing. Similarly, the situation is critical in our Latin American region, since advances are relatively few compared with other regions of the world. Let us remember that these analyses were performed on this blog, with the publication of two articles in this regard, which can be consulted (see reality of youth and youth in figures – Latin – America). By reason of the foregoing, we would have to consider the results of the study as very hasty conclusions, since it represents an investigative fallacy, which begins with inaccuracies in the planning, development and formulation of the research, that was applied in sectors that constitute a minority of major and urgent issues that the vast majority of young bears, adding that logically the young survivors of this reality, largely are not part of the strata selected by the study; and ending with the presentation of the results, in the sense that evaded the analysis and discussions of previous studies much deeper than a few simple interviews, as we have just referencing the UN. In conclusion, should be noted that the spaces of today’s young people are different and have some other different challenges to the of for more than three decades; but in regards to social commitment, poverty and unemployment, among other aspects, we have unfortunately declined radically until finding us in such deplorable conditions and so dire difficulties by which currently suffer. PD: In one memorable occasion, ask a sociologist what he thought of the overuse of social networks like Facebook and Twitter?, immediately replied: before you open the virtual spaces to integrate us human beings, what they stimulate is to close us before others, limiting our communication skills.

Your response coincided with what I thought. What not imagined, is that the situation would worsen further, with the excessive use of the Blackberry and cell phones with Instant Messaging. Based on the foregoing, promote the dissemination of the following video, which I hope and will serve as reflection.