
When James Dyson was still a child and his parents were forced to make cleaning the house, he, like all children, not very fond of this occupation, moreover, he did not like that of a vacuum cleaner while working out a foul odor. Plus everything, after cleaning it each time had to collect pieces of lint and dust, vacuum cleaner with which it could not cope. This happened over and over again, and very annoying boy. And even when it was bought by the most powerful at the time vacuum cleaner, the same thing happened – a strange smell from the vacuum left after the harvest of hairs and fibers. Frustrated, James pulled out the vacuum cleaner bag, which collects dust and dirt, shook it again and started vacuuming. But all in vain, bag, obviously, reduced suction power, and because of this vacuum cleaner poorly cleaned. When James realized that he pulled from his bag vacuum cleaner and threw it away.

This problem would not let him rest. But instead of upset the young man decided to act. Once upon a time he became acquainted with the technology, long entrenched in his mind. It was an industrial cyclone, which was used in a sawmill. The machine is monotone and with a zeal to collect wood filings that are under the influence of centrifugal force as if sucked inside. James became interested, and if it will work on a smaller scale, for example, in the vacuum cleaner. So, he designed a miniature version of the industrial cyclone from the usual cardboard, installed it on an old vacuum cleaner and began to clean the living room.

Last Modified on April 28, 2020
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