Global Knowledge

CONCLUSION Was observed that the importance of the English language for the 21 professionals of the logistic International of different companies is evident, from the results presented for the interviewed ones, for the fact of the language to guide the communication of the processes of the area. All the involved ones in the process of the logistic International are of the commercial area, the logistic International, maritime importation, or of the operational part, they very consider important the knowledge of the English language for its area of performance, evidencing that, without this knowledge, the negotiations and too much transactions are practically impracticable to be effected, since the language used in this communication is the English. In the presented theoretical recitals, it is evidenced that the performance market is each time more demanding the knowledge of the English language, not importing the performance area. But, when the foreign commerce or the logistic International is mentioned, this knowledge finishes not only being a professional differential, but also, a requirement of market, therefore the professional goes to be in contact with suppliers or customers of diverse countries. As mentioned for some interviewed, this contact, to the times, if of the one with the proper company where they work, since the same ones possess offices or representatives in other countries. A global language is the form for which the interviewed ones call the English language, going this idea to the meeting with the ones of author David Crystal (2003) in its book ‘ ‘ English the Global a Language’ ‘.

The index of 81% of the professionals who had said if to communicate in English can be considered expressive, but, when the knowledge level is presented, it is not observed the same, therefore half of the respondents, that is, 52% are fluentes in the knowledge of the English language. One concludes that this percentage still needs to improve, since the communication, correct form and needs, is a basic ability in the negotiations carried through for these involved ones. In done analysis of the results, was understood that the importance given to the knowledge of the English language if of the one for the fact of almost the half of these professionals already to have lost some chance of work, for not possessing the knowledge of the English language. However, this reality, on the part of some interviewed, was surpassed, since 19% not yet are only communicated in English. To verify if the professionals they had the knowledge how much to the importance of the English language he was one of the challenges of this article, and, through the results of the crossing of these with the theoretical recital, it is concluded that such importance is recognized for them, in way that, exactly the ones who do not present knowledge of the language, recognize the importance of the same. Being thus, one expects that the results of the research of this article serve to point the consequences with respect to the professionals when if does not have the knowledge of the English language, as well as for a future deepening concerning this so important subject for professionals of the area of the logistic International..