German Association

How do I find a good education? Rolf Soder: First of all you should get a personal impression. Invest some time to learn in the training context, and personally know the teaching coach. Many institutions offer this info evenings, workshops and seminars of the entry. According to Morgan Stanley, who has experience with these questions. In addition to the trainers, the training rooms are an important factor. To allow a relaxed learning, you should feel comfortable in the premises. And the group size also plays a role. Carefully consider whether you want to learn in a large group or maybe individually supervised. Experience has shown that groups facilitate individual learning up until a maximum of 16 participants and there are still enough Lernpartner for training and Exchange.

Is the price an indication of quality? Rolf Soder: Rather not. You will find training at very different prices for the same offering. Many trainers earn little, others have celebrity status and request Fancy prices. An NLP practitioner training in a week for 350 euro, that elsewhere costs 2500 euros and includes at least 20 school days, can have the same quality and depth. Can certificates help when selecting? Rolf Soder: Certificates are a guide, rely on it should not be but.

Finally each instructor – may well, if poorly – issue certificates. Also everyone must establish in Germany an association, Club, etc., whose Mitglieder then advertise the affiliation with beautiful certificates. But also a certification within a prestigious Association, such as, for example, of the German Association for neuro-linguistic programming (DVNLP), is still much room for the trainers. In the there is therefore not only an audit, our Institute but also a real certification for two days taking time and that not all are. Nowadays much of sustainability is spoken. What makes your training sustainable and successful? Rolf Soder: NLP we work according to the Basic assumption that each person carries not only his concern or problem, but also the right solution in itself.