Environmental Studies

All the creaturas, and not only the human being, are created with a purpose, otherwise they would not be. And as each being were created with a purpose, therefore it has derechos" , that the human being had to consider in his to act. Also from the public Sandra Gibert and Luis Seguel they aimed at two subjects of ample discussion in Aysn regarding the policies of enterprise social responsibility of Energy Austral and HidroAysn, whose projects are in the heat of evaluation process, by which they have given to scholarships and economic resources to the communities hit by its projects. Juan Carlos Oak thicket expressed on the individual that " there is an opportunity problem that is being profiteer by somebody, a space in target. Somebody is seeing that another one needs something and is covering that necessity.

But it is not responsibility of the company to give scholarships, is the State the one that it must guarantee the opportunity, the State that we are occurring. The State with respect to which every day we do something (we voted, we paid taxes) is the one that had to bear that burden and not to give space to that it covers somebody it on the base to try a benefit, because here I believe that it is not free what he is haciendo". The ethics in the Regina company Massai is Industrial civil engineer of the University of Chile, with postgraduate in Territorial Planning of Polytechnical of Milan and the studies of environment in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies of the University of Yale. One has specialized in environmental management and corporative social responsibility. It exposed on new international norm ISO 26000 of social responsibility, approved 12 of September (would enter in use in November) and that is only indicative but noncertifiable, unlike which happens with other norms ISO.