English Companies

In this in case that, the efficiency of the company is not summarized to its size, but in its capacity to adapt it the volatileness of the markets, beyond to search a bigger entailing horizontal enters the functions of direction, organization administration production and commercialization. The production if of the one by means of strong cooperation and partner between the socioeconmicos agents (companies, government, civil society, etc). In short, in the model of ' ' specialization flexvel' ' , small the company independent, articulated between itself, acts cooperatively, acquiring the great productive flexibility, becoming extremely agile and dynamic in the attendance of its consumers, remaining itself, still, strong competitive in terms of costs and prices, forming nets of national companies and international. Therefore she is that CATELLS (1999: 88) would have affirmed that, from years 80, ' ' a economy in deeply interdependent net appears that if becomes each time capable to apply its progress in technology, knowledge and administration.' ' this new world-wide structure made with that small average companies if joined the companies biggest, forming nets capable to innovate and to adapt it all instant to the global markets. ' ' In this context, the cooperation is not only one way to divide costs and resources, but it constitutes an insurance policy against some decision missed on tecnologia.' ' (CASTELLS, 1999:211). Finally, one notices that the great difference of the English industrial districts for the Italians inhabits in the fact of that, in the first case, the performance of the PMEs had as main anchors the internal economies and ' ' economies externas' ' (notadamente this last one), whereas in as the case the growth of the PME' s not if had only to ' ' economies externas' ' , but also to the factor ' ' cooperao' ' interempresarial (amongst others of partner-cultural matrix, as the confidence, religion, etnia, etc.), what it made possible the integration between economy and society, whose ambient conditions favored the proliferation of positive synergies and the sprouting of new enterprise figures, that is, workers promoting action empreendedorasa to leave of horizontal linkings with other workers, as will be seen with bigger clarity to follow, with the concepts of clusters or enterprise accumulations.

Last Modified on July 30, 2017
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