Economic Picture

&#039 is about a sustainable development; ' biocntrico' ': while in the cartesianismo the man is placed in the center of the universe, basing the antropocentrismo and the ambient degradation, in the discursiva matrix of the self-sufficiency, the man is seen in position of subservincia in relation to the nature. This conception has as norteador principle the logic of self-sufficiency and of the auto-regulation in the search of the balance man-nature and estimated its is anchored in the ideas of the English naturalist Gilbert White (1720-1793) and in the fisiocracia of the economist classic politician Franois Quesnay (1985), particularly in its Economic Picture, of 1758. To broaden your perception, visit Jayme Albin . White (apud GRN, 1996) says on a return to the past or ' ' reanimao of the bows of loyalty between the vital men and energies of terra' ' , through a organic or harmonic conception of the relation natural man-resources, in contraposition to the reducionista mecanicismo that promoted the alienation of the human beings of the nature (cartesianismo/antropocentrismo). Quesnay, for its turn, also defended the construction of a harmonic relation between Men and nature, however this meant a severe obedience to the natural laws. In the reality, fisiocracia means ' ' government of natureza' ' , that is, the fisiocratas understand that natural laws exist that govern the activities economic (natural determinismo). If, on the other hand, the main problem identified for the theory of the value in the fisiocrtico thought was the fact to consider that agriculture only generates excess (liquid product) or wealth, for another one, the fisiocracia had the merit to call the attention for the origin and definition the wealth concept: ' ' the economic reproduction is guaranteed by the wealth renascentes' ' , you regenerated, that is, for the natural resources you renewed (LAMB, 1995). Lamb (1995) rescues the importance of the fisiocrtico thought for the reflection on the preservation of the natural resources renewed, considered the true social wealth. .