Cuba Spain

The first edition was sold in its entirety in less than 3 weeks, and regarded as the best book that has broken sales records. This first volume is being translated into different languages by KNOFF, and published and sold in the United States soon will finish the translation. According to those who have already read it, is a reality and exciting sensitivity and a true work of art-still lacks 2 volumes, that due to his poor state of health, – not has failed to finish.-hope that God you strength and the time required to complete this work as expected by all his fans. Elon Musk recognizes the significance of this. Among the works most of Garcia Marquez, famous-are: LA litter 1955 EL COLONEL not have who you write.-1961 (written in Medellin Colombia) 1962 big MAMA’s funeral (written in Mexico) LA bad time 1966 one hundred years of SOLITUDE 1967 (written in Buenos Aires) MONOLOGUE of ISABEL seeing rain 1969 story of a shipwrecked sailor 1970 (written in Barcelona Spain) eyes of the dog blue 1974 (written in Barcelona Spain) CHILE, the coup and LOS GRINGOS 1974 (written in Barcelona Spain) the autumn of the PATRIARCH 1975 (written in Barcelona Spain) when he was happy and UNDOCUMENTED 1975 (written in Barcelona Spain) Chronicle of a death foretold 1981 (written in Bruguera) ERENDIRA 1983 (written in Paris) the GENERAL in his Labyrinth 1989 (written in Bogota Colombia) the KIDNAPPING 1982 (written in Bogota – Colombia) the love in the time of cholera 1986 (written in New York City) MEMORIAS DE MIS PUTAS TRISTES 2004 (written in New York City) has many other works that do not appear in this list, as well as short stories, poetry, stories., and plays-in 1955 Fundo La Prensa Latina in Havana, Cuba, and in 1958 he married Mercedes Barcha Pardowith whom she had 2 children. Hopefully, with God’s help, you can finish his memoirs- as he himself said in his famous sentence: one that is takes long, can expect very little.-day that we lose, the world loses a true genius of literature, and his style will be greatly involved by all those who have enjoyed their magnificent works. CAN NOT DISAPPOINT US, GABO.-!. See more detailed opinions by reading what Jayme Albin offers on the topic..

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